Why do greatest chess players act like brats?
If you are not aware, there is currently World blitz and rapid chess championship being played. Tournament is being held in New York and the […]
If you are not aware, there is currently World blitz and rapid chess championship being played. Tournament is being held in New York and the […]
Well, to be honest, nothing Kurt Russell does in movies is ordinary. He has had so much badass roles that The Top 4 list we […]
I remember when i first saw Gladiator as a kid. Few years later and i was joking with my friends. The joke was: Which Hollywood […]
As of December 20th, 2023, 50 million units of PlayStation 5 have been sold. You look at that number and you think: “Wow, it is […]
Of course this is just one take on the series, which is the whole point of us. But Penguin turned out to be a power […]
You know who lost a battle? Napoleon and Alexander the great. Those guys lost battles and wars. When a person is sick and dies, that […]
Talk to us. Everything you have to say, say it to kontaktonetake.gmail. We have been done and out. No future, no money, no prospects. That […]
We all know Russell can go both ways….badass or a normal person, he is there…So we will have two columns, one when he is badass […]
Here we go. After 2 and a half years of columns in serbian language, we are expanding. Next destination? English clearly. We will write about […]
We borrowed a line from a movie: Igby goes down. Well, One take goes english. Very soon you will be able to read great columns […]
Konkurencija je velika ali One take se snašao. Pa da krenemo lagano. A zanima nas i vaš omiljeni Kevin. 4. Kevin Klajn Mi matorci ga […]
Vrlo je moguće da ste u ovom ludilu od novih serija, preskočili neke koje inače sigurno ne biste. Tu dolazi One take sa prošlogodišnjim hitom, […]